Let experts do the hard work

Elevate your trading today with our new app, TradeCopier.

Explore a community of global traders, where you can learn from and automatically copy others’ strategies in real time.

With TradeCopier, there is no need to do the hard work when experts can do it for you!

You don’t need the experience, free time, or even the capital to trade like a Pro when you copy. Set up your TradeCopier account to automatically mirror experts’ trading activity.
Find traders whose strategies and past performance fit your criteria, choose how you’d like your funds to copy them (in proportion to equity, balance, or by lot size), and you’re good to go. Copy multiple people simultaneously to build a unique portfolio with varied strategies.
Dive into their stats, performance, markets traded, and  current investments to make informed copy decisions.
Copy trading is a great way to add diversification to your portfolio – whether it’s trading behaviours, risk profile, overall strategies, or even just new markets you don’t know enough about to trade yourself.
You don’t have to go it alone anymore. Access a global community of like-minded people to share ideas with and learn from. Ask questions, gain insights, and chat with people who share similar goals and interests.
Head directly to the Leaderboard for the top performers. Remember, you’re still in the driver’s seat here: you can copy individual trades instead, and always regain control over your copied trades if you’d like.
Download TradeCopier today

It’s as easy as 1-2-3 to get started.  

1. Download the TradeCopier app from
Google Play or the App Store
2. Connect your MT4 account
3. Get stuck in to a whole new way of trading!

Have additional questions?

See our helpful TradeCopier FAQ page, here